This is the back cover text of Olli Tammilehto's report "Globalisation and Dimensions of Poverty" (Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Department for International Development Cooperation, Helsinki 2003). It can be downloaded as a pdf-file from the Internet addres pdf/tammilehto_globalisation.pdf . You can order the printed version from the information office of the department, address:Kanavakatu 4 a, FIN-00160 Helsinki, Finland, tel. +358-9-1605 6370, email:

Back cover text of the report "Globalisation and Dimensions of Poverty"

What is the impact on poverty of prevailing globalisation? Is the globalisation process a neutral economic phenomenon that can be harnessed to benefit everyone, or is it a conquest-like political process intrinsically slanted to benefit the few?

These are crucial questions in the present globalisation debate, and ones this report examines on the basis of extensive sources. Besides income and consumption poverty, it investigates some of the other dimensions of poverty: poor health, powerlessness, insecurity, vulnerability and socio-cultural poverty. It also contains a historical overview of the relationships between poverty, wealth and power in order to understand what links them in today's world.

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