Indigenous Peoples and Oil

- Report of a seminar in Finland -


Publication information 

Indigenous Peoples and Oil main page


    Ulla Lehtinen: "Indigenous peoples and oil" events in Finland 1999
    Olli Tammilehto: A civilised world or a bloodsucker of the earth?
    Background information on oil
    Russia's oil production 
    Florian Stammler: Where does our oil come from?
    Yeremei Aipin: Russia's oil industry and the development of rights of indigenous people 
    Agrafena Sopochina: "We Live on what the earth carries on itself" 
    Yuri Vella: Kogalym-Lor - the lake where a man died 
    Bruce Forbes: Industrial development in the Yamal-Nenets Area 
    Lidia Okotetto: I no longer understand the tundra that has loved me 
    Grigorii Anagurichi: A clash of civilisations at the ends of the world 
    Charity Nenebari Ebeh: The Ogoni experience 
    Magda Lanuza: Oil production in Central America 
    Ecuador and oil
    Arturo Yumbai Iligama: The war against the poor
    Colombia, the U'wa and oil
    Roberto Afanador Cobaria: Oil is blood of the earth
    Workshop 1: The strategies of oil industry and the responses of indigenous peoples' movements 
    Workshop 2: Networking of indigenous peoples threatened by oil and gas exploration 
    Workshop 3: Northern Dimension 
    Communique of the participants in the seminar "Indigenous Peoples and Oil"
    Internet links

People who participated in the editing of this publication are: Pirjo Brusin-Niemi, Santeri Junttila, Asko Lehmuskallio, Ulla Lehtinen, Henri Myrtttinen, Jouni Nissinen, Mirja Noland, Mikko Peltola, Johanna Sarjas and Olli Tammilehto. The publication will be in Finnish, Russian, Spanish and English, which are the four languages that were used in the events. The texts have been translated into different languages by Linus Atarah, Andres Heinäpuu, Asko Lehumskallio, Ulla Lehtinen, Riikka Miettinen, Henri Myrttinen, Jouni Nissinen, Mirja Noland, Esa Salminen, Marja Savolainen, Olli Tammilehto and Oksana Zorina.

Drawing: Mira Heija

Layout: Mikko Koskinen

Orders of printed copies of this publication: Friends of the Earth, Tampere, PL 530, FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland, tel. +358-3-212 0097, fax: -212- 7257,

Publisher: The Fourth World - First Peoples Finland, Uudenmaank. 1, FIN-20500 Turku, Finland, email:

Turku 2000

The series of events "Indigenous Peoples and Oil" that has resulted in this publication was organised by the following Finnish and Estonian NGOs: Committee of 100, the Committee on Finno-Ugric Issues of the Student Union of the Helsinki University, the Finland-Russia Friendship Society, the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, the Finnish Branch of Service Civil International, Finnish Peace Committee, the Fourth World - First Peoples Finland, the Friends of the Earth Finland, Information Centre of Finno-Ugric Peoples - SURI (Estonia), the M.A. Castrén Society, PAND - Artists for Peace, the Service Centre for Development Cooperation, the Shell Boycott Campaign, Tinku Finland, Turku International Meeting Point, the Varsinais-Suomi Branch of Finnish Nature League and Green Cultural Association - Visio. In the organizing committee there were also several independent activists and researchers. 

ISBN 951-98239-1-3