Lisätietoja öljystä ja alkuperäiskansoista mm. seuraavista
- Drilling to the Ends
of the Earth (
- Corporate Watch (
- Oilwatch mexico(
- Project
Underground (
- The World Bank and the G-7:
Changing the Earth's Climate for Business
- Oilwatch Europe
Erityisesti ogoneista:
- Free Nigeria Campaing (
- MOSOP Canada (
Erityisesti u'wista:
- U'wa Defense Project
Rainforest Action Network's U'wa Campaign
- The Amazon Watch's pages
Erityisesti quichuoista:
Quichuas Amazonicos
- The Confederation
of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador
- Amazon
Crude - valokuvanäyttely
Erityisesti hanteista ja nenetseistä:
- Oil Development
in the Khanty-Mansi Area (
- Yamal Peninsula's
Contested Terrain (
- Tundra Nenets
language (
- The
World Bank and Russian Oil
- Tyumen Oblast:
Exploitation of Oil and Natural Gas as a Threat to the Means of Subsistence
of Indigenous People ( |